JS8Call Operation Details|F!102 # Form updated 02/24/2023. This is a default JS8Spotter MCForms form. See kf7mix.com for details. ? Experience level / comfort with JS8Call: @1 Little or no experience @2 Some experience @3 Fair amount of experience, comfortable with some help @4 Experienced, comfortable with no help @5 Highly experienced, able to help others ? Experience level / comfort with other digital modes: @1 Little or no experience @2 Some experience @3 Fair amount of experience, comfortable with some help @4 Experienced, comfortable with no help @5 Highly experienced, able to help others ? Station activity level on JS8Call (attended or unattended): @1 Station attempts to operate 24/7 @2 Station operates daily on a schedule @3 Station operates daily as available @4 Station operates weekly @5 Station operates only incidentially ? Your most active band for JS8Call: @1 160m / 1.842 MHz @2 80m / 3.578 MHz @3 40m / 7.078 MHz @4 30m / 10.130 MHz @5 20m / 14.078 MHz @6 17m / 18.104 MHz @7 15m / 21.078 MHz @8 12m / 24.922 MHz @9 10m / 28.078 MHz @0 6m / 50.318 MHz @A 2m / 144.178 MHz ? Do you participate in the heartbeat network? @1 When my station is operating I generally participate in the heartbeat network @2 I sometimes participate in the Heartbeat network @3 I rarely participate in the heartbeat network @4 I never participate in the heartbeat network ? Are you comfortable with allowing other stations to use your system for relays and message store? @1 Yes @2 No