Supply Survey|F!500 # Form updated 01/15/2025. See for details. KN4AM ! Local Supply Survey . Supply survey for your immediate area. Objective is to gauge both availability of supplies and level of consumer anxiety. . Enter your Maidenhead grid location in the Form Comment field. . ? Mood & Conditions: @1 *Calm, nothing unusual noted @2 Longer lines than usual @3 Very crowded, worried mood @4 Panic buying - illogical buying, many shelves bare @5 Stores closed due to lack of inventory @6 Stores closed, being looted and trashed @7 Unknown ! Groceries ? Eggs: @1 *Normal supply and selection, full shelves @2 Generally available, but slow, sporadic restocking @3 Very limited availability, shelves stripped as soon as they are stocked @4 None available for a full day or longer @5 Unknown ? Milk: @1 *Normal supply and selection, full shelves @2 Generally available, but slow, sporadic restocking @3 Very limited availability, shelves stripped as soon as they are stocked @4 None available for a full day or longer @5 Unknown ? Bread: @1 *Normal supply and selection, full shelves @2 Generally available, but slow, sporadic restocking @3 Very limited availability, shelves stripped as soon as they are stocked @4 None available for a full day or longer @5 Unknown ? Bottled water: @1 *Normal supply and selection, full shelves @2 Generally available, but slow, sporadic restocking @3 Very limited availability, shelves stripped as soon as they are stocked @4 None available for a full day or longer @5 Unknown ! Fuel ? Gasoline: @1 *Normal supply, no shortages noted @2 Some pumps closed due to lack of fuel @3 Some stations closed due to lack of fuel @4 Long lines at any open station @5 No fuel available in this immediate area @6 Unknown ? Diesel: @1 *Normal supply, no shortages noted @2 Some pumps closed due to lack of fuel @3 Some stations closed due to lack of fuel @4 Long lines at any open station @5 No fuel available in this immediate area @6 Unknown ? Propane (Portable tank refills): @1 *Normal supply, no shortages noted @2 Some refill stations closed due to lack of fuel @3 Long lines at any open refill station @4 No fuel available in this immediate area @5 Unknown ! Hardware ? Batteries, Common sizes (C, D, AA) @1 *Normal supply, full shelves @2 Generally available, but slow, sporadic restocking @3 Very limited availability, shelves stripped as soon as they are stocked @4 None available for a full day or longer @5 Unknown ? Gasoline storage containers (empty) @1 *Normal supply, full shelves @2 Generally available, but slow, sporadic restocking @3 Very limited availability, shelves stripped as soon as they are stocked @4 None available for a full day or longer @5 Unknown ? Ammunition, Common types (9mm, 5.56mm, .357, etc.) @1 *Normal supply and selection, full shelves @2 Generally available, but slow, sporadic restocking @3 Very limited availability, shelves stripped as soon as they are stocked @4 None available for a full day or longer @5 Unknown ? Building Repair Materials (plywood, tarps, lumber) @1 *Normal supply and selection, full shelves @2 Generally available, but slow, sporadic restocking @3 Very limited availability, shelves stripped as soon as they are stocked @4 None available for a full day or longer @5 Unknown ! Background Context ? Type of Area @1 Major metro urban area @2 Urban area @3 Suburban area @4 Medium sized city @5 Small town @6 Semi-rural area @7 Rural area @8 *Other ? State (Group A) @a Alabama @b Alaska @c Arizona @d Arkansas @e California @f Colorado @g Connecticut @h Delaware @i Florida @j Georgia @k Hawaii @l Idaho @m Illinois @n Indiana @o Iowa @p Kansas @q Kentucky @r Louisiana @s Maine @t Maryland @u Massachusetts @v Michigan @w Minnesota @x Mississippi @y Missouri @z Montana @0 *NONE OF THESE ?State (Group B) @a Nebraska @b Nevada @c New Hampshire @d New Jersey @e New Mexico @f New York @g North Carolina @h North Dakota @i Ohio @j Oklahoma @k Oregon @l Pennsylvania @m Rhode Island @n South Carolina @o South Dakota @p Tennessee @q Texas @r Utah @s Vermont @t Virginia @u Washington @v West Virginia @w Wisconsin @x Wyoming @y *NONE OF THESE @z Other