Area Assessment|F!505 # Form published 01/19/2025. See for details and supporting docs for this form. KN4AM # Revised 03/07/2025 ! Area Assessment . . [ST] State (2-letter code): [GR] Maidenhead Grid Square: [CT] City or County: . . ? 1) Water, Public Utility - Distribution @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Water distributed to > 99% of the area @2 Water distributed to 50% - 99% of the area @1 Water distributed to < 50% of the area @0 Water distribution destroyed ? 2) Water, Public Utility - Quality @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Tested/believed to be clean @2 Appears clean, no smell @1 Does not appear clean @0 Contaminated water ? 3) Waste - Sewage System @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Sewage system works consistently @2 Sewage system runs inconsistently @1 No waste treatment observed @0 Sewage system destroyed ? 4) Waste - Sewage Exposure @X *Unknown or N/A @3 No standing sewage seen/smelled @2 Sewage can be smelled @1 Sewage seen, system down @0 Sewage seen and smelled, system broken ? 5) Waste - Trash Collection @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Trash collection reliable, on schedule @2 Trash collection limited @1 No formal trash collection; trash buildup @0 No trash collection; trash buildup ? 6) Waste - Trash Disposal @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Trash put in proper area/no health issue @2 Unknown where trash is being dumped @1 Trash dumped, could cause health issues @0 Trash buildup causing health issues ? 7) Power - System @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Power system works @2 Rolling brownouts @1 Power system unreliable/blackouts @0 Power system destroyed ? 8) Power - Distribution @X *Unknown or N/A @3 > 99% of electric lines are up @2 50% - 99% of electric lines are up @1 < 50% of lines are up @0 Electric lines are down/inoperable/hot lines ? 9) Power - Grid @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Power grid/station secure, controlled @2 Power grid/station unsecured @1 Power grid/station not working @0 Power grid/station destroyed ? 10) Communications - Internet @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Internet service reliable @2 Internet service fairly reliable @1 Internet service unreliable, down @0 Internet service destroyed ? 11) Communications - Landline @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Landline service reliable @2 Landline service fairly reliable @1 Landline service unreliable, down @0 Landline service destroyed ? 12) Communications - Cell @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Cell service reliable @2 Cell service fairly reliable @1 Cell service unreliable, down @0 Cell service destroyed ? 13) Communications - Mass media @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Mass media (radio, tv, newspaper) reporting @2 At least one form of media reporting @1 No media reporting @0 Mass media destroyed ? 14) Communications - Postal @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Postal system reliable @2 Postal system fairly reliable @1 Postal system unreliable, down @0 Postal system destroyed ? 15) Economy - Residential @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Residential areas are strong, secure @2 Residential areas are damaged @1 Residential areas should not be occupied @0 Residential areas destroyed ? 16) Economy - Employment @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Unemployment < 5% @2 Unemployment 6% - 49% and rising @1 Unemployment > 50% @0 Virtually no one going to work ? 17) Economy - Retail Commerce @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Normal commerce in established stores @2 Increasing reliance on local farmer's markets @1 Open black market with barter economy @0 Private barter exchanges only ? 18) Economy - Means of Exchange @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Cash and credit cards readily accepted @2 Cash only with barter increasingly common @1 Cash losing value in favor of barter @0 Black market and barter economy ? 19) Commercial Infrastructure @X *Unknown or N/A @3 > 95% of commercial buildings fully functioning @2 60% - 95% of commercial buildings functional @1 10% - 60% of commercial buildings functional @0 < 10% of commercial buildings functional ? 20) Transportation - Roads @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Roads are navigable, serviceable @2 Road(s) partially damaged, affecting flow of traffic @1 Extensive damage to road(s), un-navigable to most @0 Road systems destroyed ? 21) Transportation - Bridges @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Bridges are navigable, serviceable @2 Bridge(s) partially damaged, affecting flow of traffic @1 Extensive damage to bridge(s), un-navigable to most @0 Bridge(s) destroyed ? 22) Transportation - Airports @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Airport is supporting traffic @2 Airport inconsistently supporting traffic @1 Airport damaged, closed @0 Airport destroyed ? 23) Medical - Facilities @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Medical facilities are up and running @2 Medical facilities overcrowded, but running @1 Medical facilities not running @0 Medical facilities destroyed ? 24) Medical - Supplies @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Medical facilities are well-supplied @2 Medical facilities under-supplied @1 Medical facilities unsupplied @0 Medical supply services destroyed ? 25) Medical - Emergency @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Emergency services up and running @2 Emergency services understaffed but running @1 Emergency services not running @0 Emergency services destroyed ? 26) Public Safety - Police @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Police working with access to 100% of area @2 Police working with access to 50% - 99% of areas @1 Police not working @0 Police destroyed ? 27) Public Safety - Fire Dept. @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Fire dept. working with access to 100% of area @2 Fire dept. working with access to 50% - 99% of areas @1 Fire dept. not working @0 Fire dept. destroyed ? 28) Public Safety - Crime @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Crime in area is not an issue @2 Crime occurs; majority of locals law-abiding @1 Crime rampant, wide-scale looting/theft/etc. @0 Crime a major problem; majority of locals not law-abiding ? 29) Attitude - Leadership @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Community leaders involved, reliable @2 Community leaders involved but unreliable @1 Community leaders not involved in community @0 Community leadership destroyed ? 30) Attitude - Ethnic, religious, social @X *Unknown or N/A @3 No apparent ethnic/religious/social tension @2 Increased ethnic/religious/social tension @1 Ethnic/religious/social tension causing sporadic violence @0 Ethnic/religious/social tension causing widespread violence, war ? 31) Civil Disturbance @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Calm, normal commerce and social activities @2 Protests and demonstrations with moderate disruption @1 Wide-scale rioting, looting, arson with major disruption @0 Uncontrolled anarchy, almost all commerce and travel stopped ? 32) Controlling Authority @X *Unknown or N/A @3 Elected civilian government @2 Heavy police presence @1 National Guard/Military, Martial Law @0 Gangs, local warlords, foreign military