# Message Authenticator, MIT License, Joe Lyman KF7MIX. Visit https://kf7mix.com/ for information # You should have received a copy of the source and license with this application # Thank you to the following contributors: KN4AM, KD0QYN, KW3KW, KJ7VPT, and 1+ experts who prefer to be anonymous # Change Log (latest first) ## COMPATIBILITY: v0.7b - v0.9b signatures are compatible 2025-02-15 v0.90b Corrected bug with tactical signs (Bryan, W3BFO) Corrected color contrast issues (Stephen, KN4AM) Switched from auto-filling callsign to buttons (KW3KW) Added processing to standardize input (KW3KW) 2025-02-12 v0.8b No change in signature generation (remains compatible back through v0.7b) Added single line input option Updated output panes to include highlighting and additional info (KW3KW) Improved the way input info is managed and cleared (KN4AM) Added more key generator options 2025-02-10 v0.7b Switched to key instead of codeplug Multiple GUI improvements (KN4AM, KD0QYN, KW3KW, KJ7VPT) Added key generators 2025-02-07 v0.5b Initial public release, with help from KN4AM, KD0QYN, KW3KW, KJ7VPT